
35 For Phil" 35 For Phil"Everyone likes to know whether guests are going to turn up to a party. But Londoner Phil Woodford is more anxious than most. That's because the 34-year-old advertising creative director has invited 35 celebrities to join him on his 35th birthday."The stars - who range from Tiger Woods and Chelsea Clinton to Harry Potter author, J K Rowling - are expected to visit Phil and his friends for 35 minutes in a pub. But with around two and a half weeks to go, the birthday boy has yet to receive confirmation of any A-list attendees. He remains undaunted and keeps the public up-to-date on progress at a specially-designed website, www.35fophil.com"'These celebrities are all busy people and I'm sure their PR people have a whole load of correspondence to wade through,' said Phil. 'My invitations may have been mislaid or are simply waiting to be actioned. I'm very hopeful that I'll start receiving responses in the next week or so.'"The bizarre birthday bash has attracted interest around the world, with Phil appearing on radio stations in places as far afield as Waterford, Ireland and Perth, Western Australia."A cash bar will operate on the night at an undisclosed public house, although the party organiser has generously agreed to buy each star their first drink. Two celebrity tickets have not yet been allocated and Phil is encouraging members of the public to nominate possible guests online. "They will be contacted just a few days before the event with a belated invitation."
